What is an “imperfect” item?

An “imperfect” item could have a spelling error, an image that is off-centered, slightly off color, wonky stitching, or an item that just doesn’t meet our quality of standards.

These items are offered at a heavily discounted rate, in hopes that we can avoid the wasting of these items.

These are Final Sale Items. Due to the nature of an “imperfect” item, they are not eligible for refunds, returns, or exchanges.

“imperfect” items will have more information in each listing in regards to the individual product (i.e. why is it “imperfect?”)

What is a “sample” item?

A “sample” item, is an item that we purchased or made as a “sample” to help determine the final product. These could be from ordering from different manufacturers to determine the best quality of material and printing, ordering or making multiple color combinations of items, and more.

Typically these items are “one of a kind” and are offered at a heavily discounted rate, in hopes that we can avoid the wasting of these items.

These are Final Sale Items. Due to the nature of a “sample” item, they are not eligible for refunds, returns, or exchanges.